Rights Issues

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Company Name Premium Ratio Record Date Ex Date
Nirman Agri 229 11:32 29-Jul-24 29-Jul-24
Tata Consumer 817 1:26 27-Jul-24 26-Jul-24
Jaykay Enter. 24 1:1 19-Jul-24 19-Jul-24
Shrydus Indust. 8 5:3 19-Jul-24 19-Jul-24
GACM Tech 0 1:1 16-Jul-24 16-Jul-24
Indowind Energy 12.5 1:5 16-Jul-24 16-Jul-24
GACM Tech-DVR 0 1:1 16-Jul-24 16-Jul-24
Globesecure Tech 30 3:4 12-Jul-24 12-Jul-24
Lesha Industries 1.8 8:5 12-Jul-24 12-Jul-24
Sharat Industrie 21 13:20 12-Jul-24 12-Jul-24